Wave interaction with double-cylinder structurer with arc-shaped porous outer wall
Graphical Abstract
The scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM) isapplied to solve the problem of hydrodynamic interaction between theshort-crested wave and the circular cylinder circumscribed arc-shaped porousstructure. The porous arc is extended to form an imaginary circularcylindrical interface. As a result, the entire computational domain isdivided into one bounded domain and one unbounded domain. The porouscoefficient of the whole imaginary circular interface is represented by adiagonal matrix G_0. Analytical procedure is applied in thereduced direction, and only the boundary of the exterior cylinder needs bediscretized to reduce spatial dimension by one. In addition, the presentapproach can meet the boundary condition at the infinity automatically.Hankel and Bessel functions are chosen as the basis functions for thesolution SBFEM equations. Comparisons are made between the results solved bySBFEM and those by acquired analytical solution or solutions by othermethods in the literature. The results show that the proposed approachyields excellent results with quite few discretized nodes and quickconvergence. The influence of varying wave parameters and structureconfiguration on the system hydrodynamics is extensively examined. Theseresearch results are of practical significance to the hydrodynamic analysisand design for the circular cylinder circumscribed arc-shaped porousstructure.