Osculating curved cone(occ) waverider: design methods and performance analysis
Graphical Abstract
The osculating curved cone (OCC) waverider design methodsare put forward in the present paper. The flow field structure andaerodynamic characteristics of OCC waverider are also analysed. The OCCwaverider uses curved cone as basic osculating flow field in which hasstraight shock wave and isentropic compression wave structures. Theosculating axisymmetric and streamline tracing techniques are used togenerate the OCC waverider when defining the inlet capture curve (ICC) andfront capture tube (FCT). Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) methods are usedto simulate the designed OCC waverider. Theoretical design results agreewell with numerical simulating results. The comparisons are also madebetween osculating cone (OC) waverider and OCC waverider. It is show thatOCC waverider overcomes the disadvantages of low compression abilities andsmall volumetric capabilities which OC waverider has.