Development and validation of fe models for long bones of lower limb in vehicle-to-pedestrian crashes
Graphical Abstract
FE models are used widely in the pedestrian safety, whichhas become a very important topic. Based on THUMS model, FE models of femur,tibia and fibula were improved on materials, element properties, and so on.Based on the analysis of loading characteristics of lower limb long bones onpedestrian in vehicle-to-pedestrian crashes, the FE models of long boneswere fully validated against experimental results as follows: (1)quasi-static 3-point bending tests of femur, tibia, and fibula with A-P andL-M loading directions, (2) dynamic 3-point bending tests of femur, tibia,and fibula with different impact locations of proximal 1/3, middlediaphysis, and distal 1/3. The simulation results demonstrate that theimproved models have high biofidelity to accurately simulate fractures andcollision responses. They can be used for further development of thepedestrian lower limb. Simultaneously, they also provide a useful researchtechnique to investigate injury mechanisms and assess the protectiveperformance of the vehicle-front structures.