Study on bubbles interaction with a flexible boundary
Graphical Abstract
From the basic phenomenon of interaction between bubbleand flexible boundary, the numerical model of pulsing bubble coupled withflexible boundary is established based on the potential flow theory in thispaper. Buoyancy and surface tension are taken into account in the simulationof bubble dynamics near flexible medium. The pressure profile around thebubble in the fluid field is plotted to explain the formation cause of the`mushroom' shape bubble and the numerical results are in good agreement withexperiment data. Interaction of two bubbles and flexible boundary is alsoexplored and the numerical model is validated by contrast with theexperimental data of Robinson and Blake. It is found through numericalcalculation that buoyancy, the elastic coefficient and density ratio are themain parameters that influence bubble dynamics. This work aims to providereferences for study on dynamic behavior of bubble near flexible boundary.