Efficient μ method in predicting robust match-point flutter
Graphical Abstract
Based on the previous u-tool in predicting robustmatch-point flutter of the aeroelastic system with parametric uncertainties,this paper proposes a new modelling approach of uncertain polynomials. Theproper linear fractional transformation (LFT) is firstly applied to obtain amore reduced uncertain description. Furthermore, regarding the computationalcomplexity of real μ problem aroused from parametric uncertainties,another technique involving bisection method to predict the robust flutteris presented, which is based on the simple relationship between the flightspeed and stability of aeroelastic system in certain flight range. The μ method based on bisection search is very computational efficient throughnumerical validation and comparison, due to the avoidance of the high-ordervelocity perturbation block in previous robust match-point flutter model.