Implementation of reduced chemical kinetics for kerosene combustion and in situ adaptive tabulation in parallel computations of scramjet
Graphical Abstract
A detailed chemical kinetics model including 109 speciesand 946 elementary reactions for kerosene combustion was obtained. Then,using the software SPARCK (Software PAckage for Reduction of ChemicalKinetics) which is based on quasi-stationary state approximation andspecifically developed for chemical reaction kinetics reduction, a reducedmodel with 22 species and 18 global reactions was achieved. The calculatedignition delay with this reduced model gives a good agreement with referenceand experimental results to verify the reliability of the model. The 2-Dparallel numerical simulation of scramjet was performed using in situadaptive tabulation (ISAT) and the reduced model. The calculated results show thatthe distribution of wall pressure agrees well with the experimentalmeasurements, and the reduced model can simulate well the complex combustionphenomena in a kerosene-fueled scramjet. Compared with that of the directintegration method, the results show that ISAT method can reduce the CPUtime up to 3.73 times under the present parallel environment and thecomputational efficiency can be dramatically enhanced.