Research for the mechanics behavior of DD3 Ni-base Alloy with kinematic hardening effect
Graphical Abstract
In the present paper, we describe the details of aplasticity constitutive model for nickel-based alloy crystal. Under the Arso(1983) crystal plasticity framework, the constitutive model involves thekinematic hardening rule, and also takes into account the temperature andstrain rate on the impact of crystal plastic deformation. In theconstitutive model, the yield criterion and flow rule are built onindividual slip system. We have derived the integral method of theconstitutive model, and implement the finite element integral algorithm ofthe constitutive model as a user material subroutine (UMAT) in ABAQUS.Moreover, we simulate the stress-strain response of DD3 Ni-base alloy underuniaxial tension and cyclic loadings on different crystal orientations.Compared with the corresponding experiment data, we find that this model isable to accurately describe the anisotropic deformation response of theNi-base single crystal, and could also capture the tension-compressionasymmetry of the cyclic plastic deformation of the Ni-base alloy singlecrystal.