Mechanical behavior of 2d periodic honeycombs under in-plane uniaxial compression
Graphical Abstract
In the present study, polyvinylchloride (PVC) andpolypropylene (PP) ``based honeycomb structures with different inner celltopologies, such as Kagome, Triangle and Diamond, are fabricated with the``Strip slotting- Assembling-Welding'' technique. The quasi-static crushbehaviors under in-plane compression are experimentally investigated forKagome, Triangle and Diamond cell structures. The Charge Couple Devices(CCD) camera and digital image correlation (DIC) method are applied toobtain the the whole strain-field of the structures. Experimental resultssuggest that the energy absorption performance of Kagome structure issuperior to others with the same materials volume and structural sizes. Inaddition, a special rotation deformation mechanism of Kagome honeycombstructures is addressed. Moreover, numerical analyses of Kagome and Trianglecells under low velocity impact are studied in comparison with the resultsfrom the known Hexagonal cells. The numerical results show that the Kagomecells with the rotation deformation behavior have better energy absorptionperformance than triangle and hexagonal cells. Both experimental andnumerical results indicate great sensitivity of the local honeycombmorphology to deformation and energy absorption.