Topology optimization of continuum structures subjected to self weight loads
Graphical Abstract
The topology optimization of continuum structures withself weight loads is investigated in this paper. Such difficulties asnon-monotonous behavior of the compliance, inactive volume constraint of theoptimal topology and the parasitic effect of low density regions are oftenarisen in topology optimization problems with self weight loads. Solutionstrategies based on the RAMP material model and the mean sensitivityfiltering technique are proposed to get rid of the difficulties and MMA codeis used to solve the optimization problem. The influence of penalty factorsof the RAMP model on the optimal topology results is investigated. Researchresults show that the material resource constraint turn to active when thepenalty factor is set to an appropriate value (for example, 20.0). Inaddition, compared with the sensitivity filtering suggested by Sigmund,discrete 0/1 design can be obtained by the mean sensitivity filteringtechnique.