Exact solution of thermoelastic bending for functionally graded truncated conical shells
Graphical Abstract
The deformation of functionally graded truncated conicalshell subjected to transverse mechanical load as well as non-uniformlythermal load is studied. Based on classical linear theory of shell, themixed-form equations governing the axi-symmetrical deformation of FGMconical shells are derived, taking transverse shear force and mid-surfaceangle of rotation as basic unknown functions. In the analysis, it is assumedthat the material properties of the shell vary continuously as a powerfunction of the thickness coordinate. And then obtain exact solution of theproblem by using analytic method. For FGM shells with simply supported andfixed boundary conditions, characteristic curves of the deformation versusthe loads and gradient of the material parameters are plotted. Especially,the effects of temperature rise and the parameter of gradient of thematerials variation on the deflection of the FGM conical shell are examinedand discussed.