Measurement and analysis of turbulent mean kinetic energy dissipation rate in the atmospheric surface layer
Graphical Abstract
The triaxial sonic anemometer velocity and temperature flucturations were measured in the Hefei zone. Third order and second order structure functions and similarity theory were used to estimated the mean kinetic energy dissipation rate, which results were almost same. Correlation analysis with stability parameter show that maximum kinetic energy dissipation occurs at neutral condition and its value decreases with | z/L| . Because Kolmogorov microscale \eta is inverse dependence on \varepsilon ^1 / 4, which changing tendency with stability parameter is just reversely. Minimum C_n^2 occurs at neutral condition as well and increases wih | z/L |, however it increases more quick in unstable conditions. Thermal turbulence inner scale can not been calculated by kinetic energy dissipation rate \varepsilon , it may be decided by \varepsilon _\theta which connected with temperature gradient.