A contact algorithm for parallel computation of FEM
Graphical Abstract
A general contact algorithm for parallel finite element simulation ofdynamic contact problem is presented in this paper. The local Lagrangemultiplier approach is introduced into the new contact algorithm. Since theimpenetrability condition and the interaction of adjacent contact pair areall considered in this algorithm, the contact constraint and equilibriumequations of the system are satisfied sufficiently as compared withtraditional penalty method. Although some local iterations have to be done,the algorithm has high computational efficiency, and is totally consistentwith explicit time integration. In addition, the existing contact searchalgorithms developed for serial finite element program could be transferedinto the parallel finite element program without any modification bywonderful design of a special domain decomposition scheme. Numericalexamples show that the new contact algorithm is suitable for parallel finiteelement computation. The new algorithm ensures not only the good simulationaccuracy, but also the high parallel-execution efficiency.