Strongly subfeasible sequential quadratic programming method of cable tension optimization for cable-stayed bridges
Graphical Abstract
A practical optimization method(strongly subfeasible sequential quadratic programming method) of cabletension optimization for cable-stayed bridges is presented, witha model for nonlinear optimization programming to obtain the forcein cables of cable-stayed bridge, in which the bendingstrain energy of the beams and cable tower of the bridge is the objectivefunction, and the cable forces are the design variable, the stress inthe structureor the cable force is the constraint condition. In order to determine theprestressing force of the cables, the influence of various geometricalnonlinearities is considered, and the strongly subfeasible sequential quadratic programmingmethod is used to solve the program. This method is used to obtain the set ofoptimal cable tensions of a cable-stayed bridge using the spatial nonlinearfinite element program. The result of analysis shows that themethod is effective.