Creep buckling of viscoelastic plates with geometrical nonlinearity
Graphical Abstract
The creep buckling behavior of viscoelastic plates withinitial deflections, subjected to axial compressive force, is analyzed. Thevon Karman nonlinear geometry equations are introduced in the thesis andstandard linear solid model is employed. In order to change the nonlinearintegral equations to a nonlinear algebraic equation which can be solved byusing a standard subroutine, the trapezium method is used to calculate thehereditary integral expression, then the creep deformation of viscoelasticplate is obtained. Meanwhile, the instantaneous critical loads, durablecritical loads are obtained. On the other hand, the problem of creepbuckling is analyzed by using the linear geometric theory, an analyticalsolution of deflection varying with time is obtained. The influence ofgeometry nonlinearity on the creep buckling of viscoelastic plates isstudied.