Numerical simulations of suspension motion of irregular shaped particles via the lattice Boltzmann method
Graphical Abstract
In this study, we combine the Newtonian mechanics with lattice Boltzmannmethod(LBM) to simulate the motion of irregular shaped particle suspensions.A moving boundary method to follow the motion of moving particles is used,which can not only trace the motion of particles for a long time, but also increasethe speed of computation and decrease the usage of computer memory.We also analyze in detail of the forces acted on the elliptical andirregular particle suspensions. In the study, with the comparison of ourresults of the motion of elliptical particles with others results of themotion of long square particles, reasonable physical explanations of thecomplex phenomena are found, which can be used as a guideto understand the motion of particle suspensions with more general irregular shapes.It is shown that the lattice Boltzmann method is as accurate as the finite elementmethod in the simulation of motion of particlesuspensions and has a lot of advantages, such as fast and can handle complex boundarieseasily. The code of LBM is much shorter than other CFD methods and isparticularly suitable for large scale parallel computation.