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超燃冲压发动机仿真: 从数值飞行到数智飞行


  • 摘要: 数值计算方法、物理模型和计算硬件的进步极大地促进了超燃冲压发动机仿真的发展, 基于内外流一体化仿真的数值飞行技术已日渐成熟并逐步应用于工程实践, 伴随燃烧、气动、结构、材料以及传热多物理场耦合模型和计算方法的发展, 叠加多场计算的广义数值飞行技术有望近期得到突破. 目前人工智能技术的快速发展, 将赋能于数值飞行技术, “数智飞行”这一新的研究模式应运而生. 一方面, 数智飞行将利用人工智能突破传统数值飞行技术在网格生成与自适应、高保真物理模型、数据处理与知识挖掘等方面的发展瓶颈, 全面提升数值飞行的精度、准度和效能; 另一方面, 数智飞行将突破传统发动机研发模式, 通过构建智能化发动机数字孪生体, 实现发动机在虚拟空间中的全弹道飞行考核, 加快发动机设计迭代. 此外, 数字孪生体在试验中可与实体发动机同步运行, 根据感知数据快速预测多物理场, 实现对实体发动机工作状态的实时评估. 为促进数智飞行技术的发展, 未来需要重点针对数据驱动与物理约束的有机结合、智能化多物理场联合仿真平台、发动机数字孪生体构建等方面开展研究.


    Abstract: Numerical flight of the scramjet engine has experienced extensive developments in recent years because of the advances in numerical method, physical modeling, and computer hardware. The numerical simulation of the internal and external coupling flow is gradually applied to the practical scenarios. With the rapid advances in combustion modeling, aerodynamics, structure design, material, and multi-physics coupling model, the “general numerical flight” that simultaneously resolves multiple physics fields might be available in the foreseeable future. Based on the latest developments of numerical flight and artificial intelligence (AI), the “intelligent numerical flight” is proposed in this study. On the one hand, intelligent numerical flight employs the artificial intelligence methodologies to address the conventional challenges in the field of numerical flight such as mesh generation and adaptation, high-fidelity physics modeling, data processing, and knowledge mining etc., which significantly promotes the accuracy and efficiency of numerical flight. On the other hand, intelligent numerical flight could be a breakthrough in the field of scramjet engine design. The artificial intelligence technique and massive data from multiple sources provide a solid foundation for building a high-fidelity digital twin of the scramjet engine. With the help of the digital twin, the full trajectory flight testing of a scramjet engine can be conducted in the virtual space, which may drastically speed up the design iteration. Moreover, the digital twin can run in parallel with the real scramjet engine during a ground test or a flight test. According to the experimental data, the digital twin rapidly generates multi-physics solutions of the scramjet engine. The status of the scramjet engine can be evaluated in a real-time manner. To facilitate the development of intelligent numerical flight, more effort should be spent on developing AI models that are both data-driven and physics informed, an intelligent software platform that resolves multiple physics fields, and a high-fidelity digital twin of the scramjet engine.


