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  • 摘要: 负泊松比材料和结构具有特殊的力学性能,在单轴压力(拉力)作用下发生横向收缩(膨胀).其在抗剪承载力、抗断裂性、能量吸收和压陷阻力等方面比传统材料更有优势,因而负泊松比材料在医疗设备、传感器、防护设备、航空航海及国防工程等领域有广泛的应用前景,但目前负泊松比材料的应用与普及仍面临一些挑战.本文广泛讨论了国内外关于负泊松比材料的研究成果并介绍了负泊松比材料的最新进展,将负泊松比材料大体概括为以下4类:天然负泊松比材料、胞状负泊松比材料、金属负泊松比材料、多重和复合负泊松比材料.主要介绍了各种负泊松比材料的内部结构、负泊松比机理、力学性能以及在各行各业的新发明、新应用.针对目前负泊松比材料研究理论和实验成果多,而实际应用仍然较少的情况,指出了负泊松比材料的缺点及其推广所面临的挑战.目前负泊松比材料面临的主要问题是制造成本高、孔隙率大而承载力不足以及仅适用于小应变情况等.本文针对此情况详细介绍了金属负泊松比材料及其设计和制作的方法,改善负泊松比材料的不足并推广其应用.


    Abstract: Auxetic materials and structures have special mechanical properties. In contrast to traditional materials, auxetic materials contract (expand) under uniaxial compression (tension). Auxetic materials have many desirable properties and are superior to traditional materials in terms of shear capacity, fracture resistance, energy absorption capacity and indentation resistance. Because of these excellent properties, auxetic materials are very promising in the fields of medical equipment, intelligent filters, intelligent sensors, protective equipment, aviation, navigation and national defense engineering, but the application and popularization of auxetic materials still face some challenges. In this paper, the domestic and foreign research results of auxetic materials are extensively reviewed and the latest progress of auxetic materials is introduced. Auxetic materials are roughly classified into the following four categories: natural auxetic materials, cellular auxetic materials, metallic auxetic materials, multi-material auxetics and auxetic composites. Internal structure, auxetic deformation mechanism and mechanical properties of each kind are discussed. Some excellent mechanical properties of auxetic materials are summarized and new inventions and applications of auxetic materials in various industries are introduced as well. In view of the fact that the actual application of auxetic materials are much less than the research theories and experimental results, this paper analyzes some shortcomings and the current challenges of auxetic materials, including high manufacturing cost, high porosity, insufficient bearing capacity and only suitable for small strain conditions. To promote the application of auxetics, the metallic auxetic materials are introduced in detail. The steps and methods for designing and fabricating 3D metallic auxetic materials are proposed as well.


