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Experimental study on layered characteristics of flow field around hypersonic slender body in near space

  • 摘要: 针对细长旋成体在临近空间中绕流场结构是否存在非对称性、非定常性这一富有争议的问题,采用粒子示踪技术(平面和体式)和高精度数值模拟技术,结合量级分析方法对该问题进行了研究。从粒子图像中发现细长旋成体绕流空间场存在三层结构,除了与高超声速平板壁面绕流场或亚跨声速旋成体一样存在的自由流与边界层外,还在两者之间新发现一层粒子严重堆积的特殊“界面层”。通过数值模拟和量级分析发现,该界面层中法向速度不再为0,并存在很大的压力法向梯度。前缘激波与膨胀波的存在以及大曲率型面的共同作用导致了界面层的产生。实验结果还表明:在高雷诺数下,界面层是绕流场结构出现非对称性和非定常性的主要区域;界面层的厚度随着攻角增大而增大,大攻角时界面层变形导致了绕流场的非对称非定常特性。这些发现为临近空间高速导弹气动性能分析与控制奠定了理论基础。


    Abstract: Whether the hypersonic flow field structure around a slender body in near space exhibiting asymmetry and unsteady is still a debated issue. Particle tracer technique (plane and stereoscopic) and high precision numerical simulation technology, combined with magnitude analysis method were employed to investigate this problem. The particle image results reveal that there are three layers in the flow field around the hypersonic slender body. Unlike the flow field around a hypersonic flat plate or a subsonic slender body, a special “interface layer” with serious particle accumulation is found between the free flow and the boundary layer. Through numerical simulation and magnitude analysis, it is found that the normal velocity is no longer 0 in this interface layer, and there is a large normal gradient pressure. The presence of leading edge shock and expansion wave as well as the interaction of large curvature surface result in the formation of interface layer. The results also show that asymmetry and unsteady of the flow structure mainly occur in the interface layer at high Reynolds number. The thickness of the interface layer increases with the increase of the angle of attack, and the deformation of the interface layer results in the asymmetric and unsteady of the fluid field at large angle of attack. These findings lay an analytical foundation for the aerodynamic performance and control of hypersonic missiles in near space.


