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Research on Load Reduction Mechanism and Water Entry Movement Characteristics of foam Head Cap Based on Density Delamination

  • 摘要: 高速入水冲击降载及运动增稳是入水航行体研制最亟待突破的难题,针对于具有良好运动稳定性的截锥头型配备可以破碎吸能的密度分层头帽,是同时兼顾入水降载及运动稳定性的有效手段之一。基于模型试验研究了高速入水空泡发展机制与破碎头帽的相互作用,探讨了密度分层头帽对降载及运动的影响规律。研究发现配备密度分层头帽的高速入水航行体的入水空泡出现了明显的嵌套空泡现象,高密度头帽嵌套空泡为上宽下窄,正向分层头帽嵌套空泡为上窄下宽;入水冲击产生的高应力在密度分层头帽两层缓冲件之间传递时将会产生碰撞损失能,耗散入水瞬态冲击的能量;头帽破碎时间顺序为:正向分层第一次破碎<逆向分层<低密度<正向分层第二次破碎<高密度;头帽外形对运动稳定性有改善作用,逆向分层头帽达到运动稳定的时间最短;头帽的存在可以提高速度峰值,配备正向分层头帽工况入水速度最快,配备高密度头帽工况降载效果最好。


    Abstract: High-speed water-entry impact load reduction and motion stabilization are the most critical challenges in the development of water-entry vehicles. A truncated cone head equipped with a density-layered crushable cap, which can absorb energy upon breakage, is one effective means of achieving both impact load reduction and motion stability. Model testing was conducted to study the interaction between high-speed water-entry cavity formation and the crushable cap, exploring the effects of density-layered caps on load reduction and motion stability. The study revealed a significant phenomenon of nested cavities in high-speed water-entry vehicles equipped with density-layered caps. The high-density cap created an upper-wide, lower-narrow nested cavity, while the forward-layered cap created an upper-narrow, lower-wide nested cavity. High stress generated by water-entry impact transmits between the two buffering layers of the density-layered cap, resulting in energy loss through collision, thereby dissipating transient impact energy. The cap fracture sequence was observed as follows: first breakage of the forward-layered cap < reverse-layered < low-density < second breakage of the forward-layered cap < high-density. The cap shape also improves motion stability, with the reverse-layered cap achieving stabilization in the shortest time. Additionally, the cap enhances peak speed, with the forward-layered cap condition producing the fastest entry speed, and the high-density cap condition achieving the best load reduction.


