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  • 摘要: 高地应力软岩隧道围岩大变形是深地工程安全建造的痛点问题。可变形初期支护由可缩钢拱架和含让压元件的可变形喷射混凝土衬砌组成,具有一定的变形能力,可定量释放围岩应变能,从而缓解支护压力。钢拱架和喷射混凝土衬砌的变形协调是可变形初期支护研究的核心问题。本文从理论分析的角度出发,首先分别构建了可缩钢拱架、含让压元件的可变形喷射混凝土衬砌的力学模型,并给出了相应的支护压力-径向位移关系的解析表达式。对于可缩钢拱架,所建立的力学模型主要包括三个阶段:弹性-屈服-弹性阶段。为统一两者的变形阶段,可变形喷射混凝土衬砌的力学模型也被分为三个阶段。但是根据让压元件的变形特征,衬砌变形的第二阶段又被进一步细分为屈服和压实两个子阶段。其次,基于变形协调原理,建立了可变形初期支护的理论模型,并根据支护承载能力最大化利用原则,给出了可缩钢拱架和可变形喷射混凝土衬砌参数应满足的理论表达式。进一步,通过与既有文献中的数值模拟结果相比较,发现利用本文建立的理论模型对可缩钢拱架、含让压元件的可变形喷射混凝土衬砌、以及可变形初期支护的力与位移之间关系的刻画,与数值模拟结果具有良好的一致性,表明了理论模型的可靠性和可行性。最后,基于所建立的理论模型进行了相关参数分析,得到,减小钢拱架的纵向间距或增加衬砌的厚度能够提高支护刚度及其承载能力;增加可缩钢拱架滑动接头高度与让压元件长度可以提高可变形初期支护的变形能力,使得围岩与支护达到稳定;当围岩-支护处于平衡时,考虑让压元件压实变形特性的支护压力更大,径向位移更小。本文的结果可为相关工程难题的解决提供一定的理论支撑。


    Abstract: The large deformation of surrounding rock in soft rock tunnels subjected to high ground stress is a pain point for the safe construction of deep engineering. The deformable primary lining consists of yielding steel arches and deformable shotcrete lining incorporating yielding elements, which has a certain deforming capacity and can release a certain amount of rock strain energy, thus relieving the support pressure. The deformation coordination between steel arches and shotcrete lining is the core issue in the research of the deformable primary support. This study uses the theoretical analysis method and firstly constructs the mechanical models of the yielding steel arches and deformable shotcrete lining incorporating yielding elements, and provides corresponding theoretical expressions for their support pressure - radial displacement relationships. For the yielding steel arch, its mechanical model includes three deforming stages: elastic - yielding - elastic stages. According to the deforming characteristic of yielding element, the mechanical model of deformable shotcrete lining also includes three stages, but its second stage is further divided into two sub-stages: yielding and compaction stages. Secondly, based on the principle of deformation coordination, a theoretical model for the deformable primary support is established. According to the principle of maximizing the utilization of support bearing capacity, a theoretical expression for the support parameters that should be satisfied is provided. Furthermore, by comparing with the numerical simulation results in previous reference, it is found that the theoretical model established in this study has good consistency with the numerical simulation results in characterizing the relationships between the displacement and support force for the yielding steel arch, the deformable shotcrete lining, and the deformable primary support. This well indicates the reliability and feasibility of the theoretical model established in this study. Finally, a comprehensive parametric investigation is conducted based on the established theoretical model. It is found that reducing the longitudinal spacing of the steel arch or increasing the lining thickness can improve the support stiffness and bearing capacity; Increasing the sliding joint height of the yielding steel arch and the yielding element length can improve the deformation capacity of the primary support, making the surrounding rock and support become stable; When the surrounding rock and support reach an equilibrium, a higher support pressure and a smaller radial displacement can be seen with considering the compression behaviour of the yielding element. The results of this study can provide relevant theoretical support for solving related engineering problems.


