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石晓, 蒋勤, 钟振宇. 波浪对水平板冲击作用水气二相流数值模拟研究. 力学学报, 待出版. DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-24-234
引用本文: 石晓, 蒋勤, 钟振宇. 波浪对水平板冲击作用水气二相流数值模拟研究. 力学学报, 待出版. DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-24-234
Shi Xiao, Jiang Qin, Zhong Zhenyu. Numerical study on impulsive wave action upon horizontal plate with water-air two phase flows model. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, in press. DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-24-234
Citation: Shi Xiao, Jiang Qin, Zhong Zhenyu. Numerical study on impulsive wave action upon horizontal plate with water-air two phase flows model. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, in press. DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-24-234



  • 摘要: 冲击波压力是水工结构物的主要致灾动力之一. 针对波浪裹挟气体作用于结构物的波浪冲击问题, 考虑气体的可压缩性对准确计算结构物所承受的冲击波压力具有重要影响. 基于简化的水-气二相流通用控制方程, 结合动量源项造波法, 采用加权本质无振荡(WENO)格式求解对流项, 同时使用以加权线性界面计算法改进的多维双曲线切线法的界面捕捉法(THINC/WLIC)追踪水气界面, 建立了不可压缩-可压缩水-气二相流的数值波浪模型. 首先, 通过将数值模型生成的行进波和驻波结果与其解析解进行比较, 验证了本数值波浪模型在波浪生成和传播模拟方面具有较高的精度. 据此, 本研究将模型应用于模拟规则波对水平板的冲击过程, 将冲击压强的模拟结果与实测数据以及未考虑空气压缩性的模型结果进行了对比, 本数值模型能有效再现空气可压缩性对波浪冲击过程中冲击压强的影响, 能够给出较高精度的冲击压强定性和定量结果. 同时对水平板底部的流场结构进行了分析, 结果显示, 波浪冲击过程中不同的空腔形态会影响流速分布, 从而对冲击压强产生影响.


    Abstract: The impulsive forces generated by waves impact is one of the primary dynamic factors influencing the safety and stability of maritime structures. In addressing the issue of wave impact on structures involving gas entrainment, the compressibility of the gas significantly influences the accurate calculation of the impact wave pressure exerted on the structures. In this paper, a numerical wave model is developed based on simplified governing equations for incompressible-compressible water-air two-phase flow, aimed at simulating strong nonlinear fluid dynamics such as wave impact on structures. The model induces wave generation by incorporating momentum source terms into the governing equations. In the present numerical framework, the convective terms are solved using a fifth-order weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) scheme. Additionally, the interface between water and gas is captured using the tangent of hyperbola for interface capturing method improved by weighted linear interface calculation (THINC/WLIC). Firstly, through comparing the results of this numerical model with analytical solutions depicting the propagation and deformation of progressive waves over a flat bottom and standing waves reflected from a vertical wall, the accuracy of the present numerical model in simulating wave generation and its propagation is validated. Based on this, the model is applied to simulate the impact of regular waves on a horizontal plate. The simulated results of impact wave pressure variations on the plate are compared with experimental data and with the calculated results from a numerical model that neglects air compressibility. It is revealed that the proposed numerical model is capable of effectively capturing the influence of air compressibility on impulsive pressures during the wave impact process, and can give satisfactory results on wave impact forces both qualitatively and quantitatively. Simultaneously, the characteristics of flow field structure of simulated results at the bottom of the horizontal plate are analyzed. The analysis indicates that various shapes of gas cavity during different wave impact processes affect the velocity distribution, thereby influencing the impact pressure.


