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  • 摘要: 现有等几何基函数的无网格表示理论虽然搭建起了无网格法和等几何分析方法的连接桥梁, 但该方法并未解决高阶梯度计算复杂且耗时的问题. 文章在无网格形函数再生梯度理论基础上, 构建了由等几何基函数再生点定义的混合梯度基向量, 提出了一种等几何基函数梯度的无网格等价表述形式, 丰富和完善了无网格法与等几何分析的无缝衔接. 在此基础上, 提出了一种鲁棒的等几何无网格配点法, 该方法保证了全域内近似函数的一致性、高效性和模型局部靶向精细化的简捷性. 与传统等几何基函数梯度的递推算法相比, 所提方法可同步构造相应阶次等几何基函数梯度, 数值实现更加简捷. 文中以二维二次基函数为例, 数值验证了特定影响域条件下所构造的无网格再生梯度与等几何基函数的标准梯度之间的等价性. 同时对比分析了所提无网格再生梯度与等几何无网格形函数直接梯度的再生条件, 结果表明, 等几何无网格形函数直接梯度的再生条件并不稳定, 而所提等几何基函数的无网格再生梯度在不同节点序列精确满足不同阶次的再生条件, 保证了配点法分析的结果收敛性. 数值算例结果表明, 所提配点方法相较于传统等几何配点法在局部细化问题分析方面具有更高的计算精度.


    Abstract: The reproducing kernel meshfree representation of isogeometric basis functions provides a meaningful way to link the meshfree methods and isogeometric analysis, while the costly gradient computation of isogeometric basis functions has not been well addressed. In this work, based upon the reproducing kernel gradient formulation of meshfree shape functions, a mixed gradient reproducing basis vector is defined by the reproducing points of isogeometric basis functions. Subsequently, a meshfree framework is developed to construct the gradients of isogeometric basis functions in a meshfree fashion, which further unifies the meshfree methods and isogeometric analysis. Under this framework, a robust isogeometric meshfree collocation method is proposed in this study, which ensures the consistency and efficiency of the approximation function in the whole domain and the flexibility of the local model refinement. Unlike the recursive construction process of isogeometric basis functions, the proposed approach is a direct and one-step procedure for the gradient evaluation, which is trivial for numerical implementation. It turns out that the proposed meshfree formulation of isogeometric gradients yields the same gradients as the standard gradients of isogeometric basis functions under certain conditions regarding the influence domains of meshfree shape functions. Meanwhile, the reproducing conditions of the direct gradients of the isogeometric basis functions are unstable, but the reconstructed meshfree reproducing gradients meet complete the gradient reproducing conditions, which ensures the convergence of the collocation methods. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed collocation methodology exhibits much higher computational accuracy than the conventional isogeometric collocation in the analysis of local refinement problems.


