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  • 摘要: 近年来, 随着物联网、无线传感器网络和便携式医疗设备的迅速发展, 如何为这些独立设备提供可靠、清洁和自给的能源成为其发展的关键. 传统的化学电池不仅寿命有限, 而且庞大的电池数量带来了高昂的维护成本, 废弃后的电池还会给环境保护带来更大的负担. 自然环境中风能分布广泛、储藏量大且无污染, 是绿色可再生能源. 将风能转换为电能是目前能源利用的重点. 然而, 涡轮风力发电机投资巨大、对风场要求高、占地面积大、维修困难, 同时产生的噪声和生态问题日益突出. 目前, 如何利用新材料和简单结构实现低速风能的高效收集正在成为国内外研究的热点. 基于涡激振动的微型风能收集器是目前较为有效的风能收集技术之一, 有望实现分散分布的无线传感器自供电. 文章从涡激振动能量收集器的工作原理、研究进展、效率提升方法等方面综述了涡激振动能量收集器的研究现状. 着重讨论了钝体形态优化、非线性特性引入、多风向风能收集结构设计和混合风能收集器设计等增强方案对涡激振动风能收集器性能的影响, 为高性能涡激振动能量收集器的设计提供参考. 最后, 对涡激振动风能收集器面临的关键问题与难点进行了分析和总结, 并对今后的研究方向和未来的发展前景进行了展望.


    Abstract: In recent decades, with the rapid developments of IoT, there appear lots of independent low-energy -consumption electronic devices, e.g., the wireless sensors, portable medical devices, and microelectronic systems, how to provide reliable, clean and self-sufficient power for these devices is posing a great challenge. Providing power to distributed electronic devices through traditional chemical batteries is proving to be difficult. These batteries inherently possess a limited operational lifespan, and the exponential increase in the number of micro-electronic systems has consequently made replacement costs rise dramatically. Moreover, the disposal of the used batteries poses significant risks to the natural environment. In contrast, wind energy is a green energy, it also has advantages such as extensive distribution, substantial storage capacity, and non-pollution. Consequently, harvesting wind energy and converting it into electric energy have attracted wide attention. However, the current scheme of turbine generator is exhibiting some defects, e.g., it requires a great amount of capital, demands a place featuring plenty wind, produces noise in working, covers a large area, and poses a threaten to wildlife. Thus, how to harvest low-speed wind energy efficiently with simple and cheap structures becomes a hot topic of research. Wind energy harvesting based on vortex-induced vibration is emerging as one of the most attractive technologies. It is considered as a potential solution to realize self-powering of the distributed wireless sensors in IoT. In this paper, the research progress of vortex-induced vibration energy harvester is introduced from the aspects of working principle, research progress and promotion schemes. We review and discuss the effects of enhancing schemes, such as optimization of bluff body, introducing nonlinear restoring force, and designs of multidirectional and hybrid harvester, on the energy harvesting performance of vortex-induced vibration wind energy harvester. This review may provide a reference for the design of vortex-induced vibration energy harvesters and improvement of harvesting performance. Finally, according to the current research status, the key challenges are summarized and consulted. The future research direction and prospect are presented and discussed.


