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  • 摘要: 风致振动是自然界中普遍存在的一种现象, 并且蕴藏着巨大的可利用能源. 如何充分利用风致振动引起的结构大幅值响应进行能量俘获, 为微电子器件供电是能量俘获领域的一个难题. 为了高效俘获风致振动能量, 文章提出了一种磁力滑动式翼型颤振能量俘获器. 基于半经验非线性空气动力学模型并考虑与磁铁位置相关的机电耦合系数, 建立了该能量俘获器的动力学模型, 搭建了风洞实验平台, 制作了实验样机. 通过增加风速和降低风速的方式为能量俘获器提供两种不同的初始状态, 发现其具有两个临界风速(5.2 m/s 和 8.3 m/s), 降风速实验中在8.3 m/s风速下出现突跳现象. 在数值仿真中, 在6.8 m/s 和8.2 m/s 风速下出现了两个突跳点, 和一段多解区域. 分析了沉浮位移和电压响应, 发现沉浮位移以正弦形式响应, 输出电压以非正弦形式响应, 并出现明显的偶次谐波. 仿真的沉浮位移和电压输出波形与实验波形吻合较好, 验证了模型的准确性. 能量俘获器的均方根电压随电阻的增加而增加, 平均功率随电阻增加呈现先增加后降低的趋势. 分析了负载电阻对能量俘获性能的影响, 在8.6 m/s风速下, 实验中能量俘获器的负载电阻接近线圈内阻值时平均功率达到最大值7.5 mW. 文章为高效颤振式能量俘获器的设计提供了一种新方案, 可为驰振、涡振等其他形式的风致振动能量俘获器的设计提供参考.


    Abstract: Wind-induced vibrations are a common occurrence in nature and have great potential as a viable energy source. Effectively harvesting energy from the structure’s large amplitude response caused by wind-induced vibrations can power microelectronic devices, however, it is still a significant challenge in the field of energy harvesting. In order to efficiently harvest wind-induced vibration energy, this paper proposes a magnetic sliding airfoil flutter energy harvester. A dynamic model of the harvester is established based on a semi-empirical nonlinear aerodynamic model and the electromechanical coupling coefficient related to the position of the magnets. An experimental prototype is created and a wind tunnel test platform is built. In the experiment, by increasing and decreasing the wind speed, two different initial states are provided for the harvester, and two cut-in wind speeds are discovered 5.2 m/s and 8.3 m/s. A sudden jump phenomenon occurs at 8.3 m/s in downward sweeping wind speed experiments. Two jump points and a multi-solution region are found at 6.8 m/s and 8.2 m/s in numerical simulations. The displacement response exhibits a sine waveform, while the output voltage shows a non-sinusoidal waveform with significant even-order harmonics. The simulated plunging displacement and voltage output waveform closely match the experimental waveform, confirming the accuracy of the model. The output root mean square voltage of the energy harvester increases with the increase of resistance, and the average power shows an increasing-then-decreasing trend with resistance. An analysis is conducted on the impact of load resistance on energy harvesting performance. At the wind speed of 8.6 m/s, the average power in the experiment reaches its maximum value of 7.5 mW when the load resistance is close to the coil’s resistance. Overal, this article provides a new design approach for efficient flutter-based energy harvesters, offering a reference for the design of other forms of wind-induced vibration energy harvesters such as galloping-induced and vortex-induced vibration.


