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於之杰, 魏悦广. 固体跨尺度压痕标度律的研究与展望. 力学学报, 2022, 54(8): 2085-2100. DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-22-273
引用本文: 於之杰, 魏悦广. 固体跨尺度压痕标度律的研究与展望. 力学学报, 2022, 54(8): 2085-2100. DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-22-273
Yu Zhijie, Wei Yueguang. Review on the researches and prospect of the trans-scale indentation scaling law of solids. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2022, 54(8): 2085-2100. DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-22-273
Citation: Yu Zhijie, Wei Yueguang. Review on the researches and prospect of the trans-scale indentation scaling law of solids. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2022, 54(8): 2085-2100. DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-22-273



  • 摘要: 压痕标度律是对通过压痕试验方法测定固体材料力学性能参量问题所给出的一般性结论, 具有重要的理论意义, 是探寻材料力学性能潜在规律的方法论研究. 本综述论文系统而简要地介绍如下主要内容: 采用传统理论对传统固体材料压痕标度律的研究回顾; 采用跨尺度力学理论对先进固体材料的跨尺度压痕标度律的研究回顾. 总结并得到了如下主要结论: 传统固体材料压痕标度律可由一空间曲面完整描绘, 若进一步已知某类无量纲独立参量的取值范围, 则该空间曲面可退化为系列平面曲线族; 先进固体材料(新材料)的跨尺度压痕标度律可由一个三维函数关系完整描绘, 若存在某类独立无量纲参量取值范围已知, 则该三维函数关系将退化为系列空间曲面族. 压痕标度律的未来研究发展仍将重点集中在建立新材料的跨尺度压痕标度律上, 以试图从根本上解决新材料力学性能标准规范难以建立的理论问题. 除此之外也将重点关注建立各类功能新材料的多尺度及跨尺度压痕标度律规律.


    Abstract: Indentation scaling law is a general mechanics and physical conclusion for the determination of mechanical properties of solid materials by indentation test method. It has important theoretical significance and is a methodological study to explore the potential mechanics and physical laws of mechanical properties of materials. In this review paper, the main contents are introduced systematically and briefly as follows: a review of the research on the indentation scaling law of traditional solid materials by using the traditional mechanics theory. A review of the research on the trans-scale indentation scaling law of advanced solid materials by using the theory of trans-scale mechanics. The main conclusions are summarized as follows: the traditional indentation scaling law for solid materials can be completely described by a spatial surface. If the value range of a class of dimensionless independent parameters is known, the spatial surface can degenerate into a family of planar curves. The trans-scale indentation scaling law of advanced solid materials (new materials) can be completely described by a three-dimensional function relationship. If the value range of some independent dimensionless parameter is known, the three-dimensional function relationship will degenerate into a series of spatial surface families. The future research on indentation scaling law for researchers in this research region will be likely still to be focused on the establishment of trans-scale indentation scaling law for new materials, aiming to fundamentally solve the theoretical problems that it is difficult to establish the mechanical properties standard for new materials. In addition, they will be also likely focus on the establishment of multi-scale and trans-scale indentation scaling laws for various functional new materials.


