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  • 摘要: 时间积分算法是求解动力学系统的一个核心问题. 动力学方程的时间积分经常会出现数值不稳定现象, 有限元空间离散也通常会造成伪高频振荡, 因而, 发展解决上述问题的数值积分算法具有重要的理论价值. 本文基于Hamel场变分积分子, 通过新的数值积分算法的构造方法, 提出了一种无条件稳定的Hamel广义 \alpha 方法, 具体内容包括: 构造特殊的变分形式, 利用变分积分子等工具, 建立无条件稳定的数值积分算法; 在相同框架下, 提出更高精度的数值格式; 结合活动标架法的特性, 将算法的一般形式推广到李群空间, 得到Hamel广义 \alpha 方法李群形式; 对算法的收敛性和稳定性等性质进行了讨论, 并通过算例验证了结论. 理论分析的结果表明本文所提出的Hamel广义 \alpha 方法是无条件稳定的, 具有二阶精度并且能够快速过滤掉虚假的高频振荡. 数值算例的结果显示, 本文所提方法具备了传统方法的精度、耗散和稳定性优势, 既适合一般的线性空间, 也适用于李群空间, 同时还可以发展高阶精度算法. 本文发展了构造变分积分子的新模式.


    Abstract: Time integration algorithm is a key issue in solving dynamical system. An unconditionally stable Hamel generalized α method is proposed to solve the instability issue arising in the time integration of dynamic equations and to eliminate the pseudo high order harmonics incurred by the spatial discretization of finite element simultaneously. Therefore, the development of numerical integration algorithm to solve the above-mentioned problems has important theoretical and application value. The algorithm proposed in this paper is developed based on the moving frame method and Hamel’s field variational integrators along with the strategy to construct an unconditionally stable Hamel generalized α method. It is shown that a new numerical formalism with higher accuracy can be derived under the same framework of the unconditional stable algorithm established through a special variational formalism and variational integrators. The above-mentioned formalism can be extended from general linear space to Lie group by utilizing the moving frame method and the Lie group formalism of the Hamel generalized α method has been obtained. Both the convergence and stability of the algorithm are discussed, and some numerical examples are presented to verify the conclusion. It is demonstrated by the theoretical analysis that the Hamel generalized α method proposed in the paper is unconditionally stable, second-order accurate and can quickly filter out pseudo high-frequency harmonics. Both conventional and proposed methods have been applied to numerical examples respectively. Comparisons between results of numerical examples show that the aforementioned advantages of the proposed method in terms of accuracy, dissipation and stability are tested and verified. At the same time, it can be developed that new numerical integration algorithms with even higher order accuracy. The scheme can also be proposed, which is suitable for both general linear space and Lie group space. A new way for constructing variational integrators is also obtained in this paper.


