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  • 摘要: 对页岩油气藏中复杂流体的相平衡计算需要建立考虑毛细作用效应的先进的数值模型, 并设计出快速可靠的算法以应对实际工况中储层流体包含多达数十种组分的复杂情况. 本文将基于适合页岩油气藏常见组分的真实流体状态方程, 即Peng−Robinson状态方程构建具有热力学一致性的VT型孔观相平衡计算体系. 通过引入描述毛细压力做功的数学模型实现对页岩流体热力学性质更准确的刻画. 结合扩散界面模型建立动力学演化格式, 采用成熟的凸分裂方法求解摩尔数和体积分数的演变, 从而描述相平衡的动态过程. 在此基础上, 本文开发了一套具有自适应性的深度学习算法, 设计了独特的双网络结构以实现对不同流体中不同组分的广泛适用性. 该神经网络的输入和输出参数均在热力学分析的基础上选取关键的热力学性质参数, 并进行了全面的超参调试以确定最合适的网络架构和最后形成的预测模型的基本结构, 且通过多种深度学习技术解决了过拟合问题, 在显著加速了传统的基于迭代方法的闪蒸计算的同时保证了相平衡状态预测的准确性, 得到了较好的预测效果. 相分离判定自动整合在预测结果中, 且从最终预测结果可以显著地捕捉到毛细作用的影响. 这一套快速、准确、可靠地基于深度学习算法的页岩油气孔观相平衡计算体系可以为后续的多相流动模拟提供具有物理意义的相分布初场, 确定系统内各个阶段的相数, 并可以作为构建具有物理守恒性的多相数值模型的热力学基础.


    Abstract: Phase equilibrium calculations of complex fluids in shale gas reservoirs require the establishment of advanced numerical models that consider capillary effects, and the design of fast and reliable algorithms to handle the various components in the reservoir fluids in practical working conditions. In this study, we develop a thermodynamically consistent VT-type pore-scale flash calculation scheme based on realistic equations of state suitable for oil/gas reservoirs, e.g. the Peng-Robinson equation of state. The effect of capillarity has been incorporated in the scheme for a more accurate description of the thermodynamic properties of shale gas, and the diffuse interface model is applied to establish a dynamic evolution scheme in the phase equilibrium process, and a convex splitting method is used to model the evolution of compositional moles and volume. In order to accelerate the iterative flash calculations for realistic reservoir fluids containing a large number of components, a self-adaptive deep learning algorithm is developed in this paper with a novel structure to achieve wider applicability to various components in different fluids. The input and output features of the neural network are selected as the key thermodynamic features on the basis of thermodynamic analysis, and the network hyper-parameters have been carefully tuned to achieve a better performance on both accuracy and efficiency. Advanced deep learning technics resolving overfitting problems have been applied in our algorithm. The trained model significantly accelerates the conventional flash calculation based on iterative methods, while a good prediction accuracy has been preserved. Phase stability test and phase splitting calculations are automatically incorporated in our prediction, and we can significantly capture the effect of capillarity on phase equilibrium behaviors. Such a fast, accurate and reliable shale gas phase equilibrium calculation scheme using deep learning algorithms can provide an initial phase distribution field with physical meanings for subsequent multiphase flow simulations, while the number of phases can be also determined. The thermodynamic information and analysis can also be used as a thermodynamic basis for a multiphase numerical model with built-in physical conservation.


