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压电超构材料及其波动控制研究: 现状与展望


  • 摘要: 弹性波超构材料是一种人为设计的周期结构材料, 因其独特的力学性能而受到广泛的关注, 在军用和民用领域都展现出重要而独特的应用前景. 根据需求主动或被动地调控弹性波超构材料的力学特性, 能够赋予其更强的适用性能. 其调控的方式多种多样, 其中运用压电材料进行调控是一种方便、速度快、精度高、体积小且价格低的调控方式. 文章中首先简要地介绍弹性波超构材料、可调超构材料、压电材料和几种常用的分流电路的基本特性. 然后依据压电材料在弹性波超构材料中应用形式的不同, 将其分为两大类: 第一类中, 压电材料作为主体结构材料或主体结构的一部分组成材料; 第二类中, 压电材料主要以压电弹簧或压电片的形式贴附于主体结构的表面或内嵌在结构中, 作为激励器或/和传感器. 文章主要介绍两种类型弹性波超构材料的研究内容和发展历史, 涉及带隙调控、波导、负折射、超传输、拓扑态、隐身以及外接分流电路等. 最后总结压电弹性波超构材料研究的不足之处并给出相应的未来研究展望.


    Abstract: Elastic wave metamaterial is a kind of artificially designed periodic structure. It has received extensive attention due to its special mechanical properties and has shown valuable and unique application prospects in both military and civilian fields. Actively or passively controlling the characteristics of elastic wave metamaterials according to the needs can endow them with stronger applicability. There are lots of tuning ways, among which using piezoelectric materials is a convenient, fast, high-precision, small-sized and low-cost method. In this article, we first briefly introduced the basic aspects of elastic wave metamaterials, tunable metamaterials, piezoelectric materials and several commonly used shunt circuits. Then, according to the different application forms of piezoelectric materials in elastic wave metamaterials, they are divided into two categories: in the first category, the piezoelectric material constitutes the major structure or acts as a part of the major structure; in the second category, the piezoelectric material is used in the form of a spring or a patch attached to the surface of the major structure or embedded in the structure, acting as an actuator or/and a sensor. We elaborated on the research topics and the development history of the two categories of piezoelectric elastic wave metamaterials, related to band gap regulation, waveguide, negative refraction, super transmission, topological state, cloak as well as shunt circuits. Finally, we summarized the research deficiencies of piezoelectric elastic wave metamaterials and outlined corresponding future research prospects.


