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Modeling of the flow characteristic in an axial-flow rapid pressure swing adsorption bed

  • 摘要: 变压吸附过程是一个动态变压力变质量多孔介质流动与传热传质过程,揭示过程的流动特性是深入研究吸附机理的基础.基于严格质量守恒和动量守恒, 建立了吸附床内的气体流体、吸附传质的数学模型,以某轴向流快速空分制氧吸附床为研究对象, 对吸附床内全循环过程进行了模拟, 对升压吸附、降压解吸和常压清洗各个阶段的流动特性进行了详细的分析,并与空床、有料无吸附时的流动特性进行了对比.


    Abstract: The gas flow characteristic in an adsorbent bed is avital problem for further studying the mechanics of gas separation process.In this paper, a comprehensive mathematical model of gas flow and adsorptionin an adsorbing bed, which based on mass and momentum conservation law, isestablished. A typical cyclic process of an axial-flow rapid pressure swingadsorption is numerically studied. The flow patterns in different cyclicperiod for pressurization, adsorption, depressurization, desorption andpurge, are obtained. The flow characteristics and their difference from thegas flow in an empty bed and a no-adsorption bed are also studied.


