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Spallation characteristics of K9 glass with prefabricated defects

  • 摘要: 层裂问题的核心内容是内部微细观损伤成核及演化规律研究. 利用激光内刻方法, 在K9玻璃样品内部预制相互贯通的初始损伤, 结合火炮加载平板实验和多点DPS测试获得样品自由面粒子速度, 以研究材料内部损伤的动态实时演化过程. 通过所获得的样品自由面粒子速度图像, 分析了层裂振荡周期、未层裂信号和层裂强度等实验现象, 为材料的动态损伤演化过程提供了一些新的认识.


    Abstract: The kernel issue of spallation is the nucleation anddynamic evolution process of meso-micro damages inside materials. Usinglaser etching method, some initial inter-connected damages wereprefabricated inside K9 glass. Combining with power gun loaded plate testsand multi-point Doppler pin system (DPS) measurements, the free surfacevelocity profiles of the sample were obtained, and the dynamic real-timeevolution of internal damages inside materials was studied. From obtainedfree surface velocity profiles, some experimental phenomena were analyzed,including spallation oscillation time, unspalled signal, spallationstrength, and so on. These results can provide some novel information fordynamic damage evolution process of materials.


