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Fail-safe optimal design of truss structures based on robust optimization

  • 摘要: 基于鲁棒优化思想, 提出了桁架结构失效-安全优化设计问题的双层规划算法. 其中上层规划用来寻找杆件的最优尺寸, 而下层规划的目标是确定结构最不利的失效模式. 为了获得下层优化的全局最优解, 以保证所得到的最优结构真正安全可靠, 特别地还发展了相关问题求解的混合0-1规划算法. 与以往研究工作相比, 该方法不需要预先假定破坏模式, 因此更容易获得理论上最优的结果. 数值算例表明了所提出方法的有效性.


    Abstract: Traditional fail-safe optimal design was always performedbased on a prior assumed failure mode. However, the assumed failure mode maynot necessarily be the most dangerous one, and if this is the case, then thereliability of the obtained optimal solution cannot be guaranteed. Tocircumvent this difficulty, in the present paper, fail-safe optimal designis carried out in a robust optimization framewok. The problem is formulatedin a Bi-level form. The upper level program aims at finding the optimaldesign variables while the lower level program is solved to find the worstcase failure mode. In order to find the global optimal solution of the lowerlevel program, a mixed 0-1 programming is proposed and solved with thebranch-and-bound algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed approach forfail-safe design and optimization are illustrated by some numericalexamples.


