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Research on the deposition efficiency of nanoparticle in human nasal cavity

  • 摘要: 借助欧拉和拉格朗日方法数值模拟了纳米颗粒在人类鼻腔中的输运和沉降. 在采用有限体积法以及k-w湍流模型求解流场的基础上, 通过单向耦合的拉格朗日方法得出了水动力、热泳力和布朗力等综合作用下的纳米颗粒的运动轨迹以及沉降率. 研究发现, 非常微小的纳米颗粒在鼻腔内的沉降率非常高; 粒径在1~10nm的纳米颗粒在鼻腔中的沉降率从80%降至18%; 粒径在10sim150nm之间的纳米颗粒在鼻腔中的沉降率变化很小,且其值介于15%~18%之间.


    Abstract: The Eulerian and Lagrangian method are used tonumerically simulate the transport and deposition of nanoparticle in humannasal cavity with finite volume method. The k-w turbulence model is used toget the flow field, and one-way coupling Lagrangian method is used to trackthe trajectory of nanoparticle with Stokes, Brownian and thermophoreticforce considered in this model. It's found that Deposition in the nasalcavity is high for very small nanoparticles. The particle diameter range inwhich the deposition drops from 80% to 18% is between 1,nm and 10,nm.From 10,nm to 150,nm however, there is only a small change in the depositioncurve from 18% to 5%. These results are helpful to develop themedicine the disease of human nasal cavity.


