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Thermoelastic behavior of interface of composite plate under thermal shock

  • 摘要: 基于带有两个热松弛时间的G-L广义热弹性理论, 利用有限元方法研究了零阻抗理想界面层合板在瞬态热冲击诱导的位移、应力和温度等通过界面时的热弹性行为. 通过比较不同层中材料的比热容、热导系数、热松弛时间和密度等对界面处的位移、应力和温度的影响, 研究了不同材料参数对复合材料热力学行为影响, 发现不同材料参数将导致热穿过界面时界面处温度、位移和应力发生突变, 研究结果可以为由热引起的层合板挠曲变形提供理论依据.


    Abstract: Based on the generalized thermoelasticity with twothermal relaxation times (G-L theory), the mechanical parameters through thezero-impedance interface in a laminated plate under transient thermal shock,such as the displacement, stress and temperature, are studied by using thefinite element method. The displacement, stress and temperature near theinterface of the composite plate are obtained. With the influence ofspecific heat capacities, heat conduction coefficients, thermal relaxationtime and densities of two materials, it is found that the displacement andstress through the interface of composite plate has a sudden change. Theresults are useful to obtain the deflection of composite plate caused byheat.


