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An experimental approach on fracture behavior of cortical bones

  • 摘要: 采用稳态裂纹扩展和疲劳裂纹扩展的实验, 研究了牛皮质骨横向和纵向裂纹扩展的断裂力学行为. 沿着两个方向制备了紧凑拉伸(CT)试件. 由于试件尺寸的限制,采用数值计算方法确定了裂纹尖端应力强度因子与裂纹长度的关系. 在实验中, 采用数字图像相关法精确测定裂纹尖端的位置. 由于裂纹沿横向扩展时有较大的偏斜, 将采用J积分测量其断裂韧性. 实验结果表明, 在裂纹扩展的一定范围内, 皮质骨的断裂韧度随着裂纹不断扩展而增大, 即表现出上升的阻力曲线(R-curve)性质.而皮质骨的横向裂纹扩展的断裂韧度要远远大于纵向裂纹扩展的断裂韧度, 表现出各向异性的阻力曲线行为. 在疲劳裂纹扩展中, 纵向疲劳裂纹扩展率要大于横向疲劳裂纹扩展率, 这说明皮质骨具有各向异性的疲劳裂纹扩展性质.


    Abstract: The transverse and longitudinal crack propagationbehaviors in bovine cortical bone were studied using stable crack growth andfatigue test methods. Twenty five Compact Tension (CT) specimens of corticalbone were prepared in specific directions. In stable crack growthexperiment, the ASTM standard is no longer applicable due to the geometry ofthe CT specimens and anisotropy of the materials. The relationship betweenthe stress intensity factor and crack length was established by means ofnumerical method. In order to identify the location of crack tip duringcrack propagation, Digital Image Correlation (DIC) method was used. As thecrack deflected largely when propagating in the transverse direction, thetransverse fracture toughness was analyzed with J integral. The results showthat the fracture toughness of cortical bone increases with crack extensionin a certain range, i.e. cortical bone exhibits rising resistance curve(R-curve). And the fracture toughness in the transverse direction is muchhigher than that in longitudinal direction, which indicates that the R-curveis anisotropic. The fatigue test shows that fatigue crack propagationbehavior in cortical bone is also anisotropic. Crack grow rate in thelongitudinal direction is greater than that in transverse direction. It isalso found that the fatigue crack growth rate decreases with the increase ofstress intensity factor range at the initial stage of crack extension.


