Numerical analysis on impact safety of fuel air explosive
摘要: 提出了冲击载荷作用下燃料空气炸药(FAE)的三相混合物材料模型. 在模型中, FAE炸药被模型化为具有一定的微观结构, 其液体组分及气体组分填充于金属固相颗粒互相搭结构成的骨架孔洞内. 另外, 材料模型中引入了气体的绝热压缩模型, 使得整个模型可以给出在冲击加载条件下FAE炸药中各组分的应力状态及温度场, 从而为合理地判定FAE装药的安全性提供了条件. FAE三相混合物材料模型作为用户自定义子程序嵌入到动力学程序AUTODYN中. 最后, 应用FAE炸药材料模型对某FAE战斗部从20\,m高处垂直跌落至钢质地板的撞击过程进行了数值模拟. 基于FAE装药在这种跌落撞击过程中的应力和温度状态,对其安全性进行了评价.Abstract: Fuel air explosive (FAE), different from high energyexplosive is a three-phase medium consisting of metal solid particles, waterand gas. Its mechanical behavior is affected by initial condition andloading condition. In this paper a three-phase material model for FAEexplosive subjected to shock loading was presented. In the model the FAEexplosive was modeled as a three-phase mixture which contains solid metalparticles, water and gas. The solid metal particles formed a skeletonstructure. The liquid and gas were filled in the void of the skeletonstructure. In addition, the gas adiabatic compression model was introduced.The profiles of stress and temperature of individual phases could be showedin the material model. Hence it could be a way to reasonably validate thesafety of fuel. This material model was embedded into dynamic softwareAUTODYN as user subroutines. Finally, the model was applied to analyze theresponse of the FAE charge when the FAE warhead was dropped from 20m highdown to steel plate vertically. Based on the stress status and temperaturedistribution in the charge, the safety of FAE charge was discussed.