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A numerical simulation of cells adhesion based on the natural growth

  • 摘要: 细胞群通过表面的粘附分子不断聚集的过程称为细胞群粘附, 是生物学许多研究领域(早期的胚胎发育、组织的新陈代谢以及肿瘤生长等)的基础. 考虑细胞群的自由运动和细胞群互相之间的粘附力作用, 并引入Logistic模型来描述细胞群自身的自然增长, 从宏观的角度研究细胞群粘附现象, 构建出一个细胞群粘附模型; 其数值模拟结果与实验结果较吻合, 能定性地对不同种类细胞群粘附的最终形态做出预判.


    Abstract: Cells adhere to each other through the binding of cell adhesion molecules atthe cell surface. This process is fundamental in many areas of biology,including early embryo development, tissue homeostasis and tumor growth.Considering the free motion of cells, the adhesion-force between cells andthe natural growth of cells, the paper developed series of mathematicalmodels. Through numerical simulation with the case of 2 Groups in 2D, we can simulate the wholeprocess of cells adhesion and the ultimate form of cells adhesion, usingdifferent parameters, can be divided into four categories, including mixing,engulfment, partial engulfment and separation. The result is close to theexperimental result, so it shows that the model can forecast the phenomenonof cells adhesion well.


