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Pressure measurement of gas-solid two-phase flow driven by shock wave

  • 摘要: 利用水平圆柱形激波管对激波驱动的可压缩性气固两相流进行了试验研究.利用压电式压力传感器、电荷放大器、示波器及计算机组成的压力信号测试系统, 对激波与颗粒作用前后的气相参数进行测量及分析. 试验中测得了激波在管中的传播速度, 波后气流的压力, 反射激波、透射激波的压力和速度等. 分别考察颗粒、装载比、驱动气源以及入射激波马赫数等因素的差异对气相参数的影响.试验结果表明: 激波与颗粒群相互作用时, 会产生反射激波和透射激波,其强度与驱动气源、颗粒大小、颗粒装载比等参数有关;激波衰减率随着装载比、马赫数的增大而减小. 研究指出,在颗粒群被激波加速的初始阶段, 颗粒间的弹性碰撞起着重要的作用.


    Abstract: An experimental study of compressible gas-solidtwo-phase flow has been carried out in a horizontal circular shock tube. Thegas parameters before and after shock waves interact with the particle grouphave been measured using a pressure measurement system which consists ofsensors, amplifiers, oscilloscope and computer. The pressures and velocitiesbehind the incident, reflected and transmitted shock waves have beenmeasured. The influences of particle material, loading ratio of particles,driven gas and incident-shock Mach number on the aerodynamic characteristicshave been examined. It is found that, during the interaction of shock waveswith a particle group, the reflection and transmission of shock waves dependon the parameters of driven gas, particle material, the loading ratio and soon. The attenuation rate of shock wave decreases with the increase of theloading ratio of particles and the incident-shock Mach number. It issuggested that at the initial stage of particles acceleration driven byshock waves, elastic collision among particles may play an important role.


