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An improvement of tsien's equation of state in high-temperature and high-pressure gases

  • 摘要: 钱学森根据分子动理论的普遍原则,结合Lennard-JonesDevanshire(LJD)液体理论的结果,给出了一个适用于高温高压气体的普适状态方程. 该方程有物理基础,且具有计算精度高、形式简单及显含温度的优点. 本文用分子动力学方法检验了LJD理论的适用性,并给出精确的高温高压气体状态方程分子动力学数值解, 在此基础上修订了钱学森状态方程. 改进后的钱学森状态方程在高密度范围内与MD结果平均绝对偏差率小于10%.


    Abstract: According to the general principle of molecular dynamicstheory and the Lennard-Jones Devonshire(LJD) liquid theory, H.S.Tsien givenan fundamental equation of state for gases at high temperatures andpressures. Tsien's EOS has physical foundation, high accuracy eqlicit temperature, and simple form. In this paper, we tested the applicability of LJD liquid theory inhigh-temperature and high-pressure gases by constant volume-temperaturemolecular dynamics, and obtained exact MD calculations for high temperatureand pressure gases EOS. Based on the MD exact numerical solution. TheAAD between theaso data and the improved Tsien's Eos cesults is less than 10%.in high density vesign.


