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李俊花 刘文白 崔莉 孙昭晨. 一种新的长输管道泄漏点定位方法[J]. 力学学报, 2010, 42(1): 127-131. DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-2010-1-2008-222
引用本文: 李俊花 刘文白 崔莉 孙昭晨. 一种新的长输管道泄漏点定位方法[J]. 力学学报, 2010, 42(1): 127-131. DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-2010-1-2008-222
Junhua Li, Wenbai Liu, Li Cui, Zhaochen Sun. A new method for location leak in long-distance pipeline[J]. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2010, 42(1): 127-131. DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-2010-1-2008-222
Citation: Junhua Li, Wenbai Liu, Li Cui, Zhaochen Sun. A new method for location leak in long-distance pipeline[J]. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2010, 42(1): 127-131. DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-2010-1-2008-222


A new method for location leak in long-distance pipeline

  • 摘要: 将压力梯度法与逆瞬态法结合,提出了适合长输管道的泄漏点定位方法. 该方法将泄漏点前后的摩阻系数以及泄漏流量系数看作优化控制变量、水击方程的数值计算结果与测量值之差的绝对值作为控制目标,利用遗传算法优选泄漏点前后的摩阻系数,与压力梯度法结合不断迭代求解泄漏点的位置. 通过输水管道的泄漏实验得到该方法漏点定位的平均误差为4%左右.


    Abstract: For the long-distance pipeline based mainly on frictionalhead loss, it is necessary to locate the leak point after the leak appears.The researchers have developed many methods for position leak during thepast of a few years, such as pressure gradient method, inverse transientmethod, etc. These methods have their respective advantages anddisadvantages for long-distance pipeline. The pressure gradient method issuitable to the pipeline of hydraulic grade line varied linearly. The leaklocation in the inverse transient method is firstly assumed. Therefore, anew method for location of the leakage points has been developed with thecombination of the pressure gradient method and the inverse transient methodin this paper. In this scheme, the coefficients of the friction resistancebefore and after the leakage points, and the coefficients of the leakageflow, are taken as the optimizing control variables, and the difference ofwater head between the calculated values by waterhammer equations and themeasured values at measured sites are utilized as the objective function.The coefficients of the friction resistance before and after the leakagepoints are optimized through the genetic algorithm, based on which theiterative method is used to locate the leakage points.To verify the new method, the experiment in a water pipe with a length of48.775m and a diameter of 53mm was set up in the hydraulics laboratory ofDalian University of Technology. The pipeline is made of iron pipe, and isconnected to the pump at the upstream end and the water flume at thedownstream end. The error value of mean location in this method is about4%, compared with the experimental data. The experimental results showthat the method is quite feasible and efficient to locate the leak inlong-distance pipeline.


