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The nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model of cardiac myocyte in simulation of micropipette aspiration experiment

  • 摘要: 在衡量单个细胞力学行为的研究中,越来越多地采用结合实验的数值模拟方法. 在连续介质力学框架下,发展了一种新的心肌细胞本构模型,并与微管吮吸实验结合,探讨了心肌细胞的力学特性. 本构模型是对普遍使用的仅能用于小变形分析的标准线性固体模型的一种扩展,它将超弹性性能引入到黏弹性模型中,用以描述细胞的大变形黏弹性效应. 基于改进的本构模型,对心肌细胞微管吮吸实验过程进行了有限元模拟,并将计算结果与实验结果以及经典理论解进行了对比. 结果显示发展的本构模型适合细胞大变形问题的有限元数值模拟.


    Abstract: Numerical modeling with experimental analysis isincreasingly being used to evaluate the mechanical properties of livingcells in single cell mechanics. In the present study, through the continuummechanics process, a new constitutive model for cardiac myocyte isdeveloped, and together with the micropipette aspiration experiment, themechanical property of cardiac myocyte is investigated. The commonly usedstandard linear solid model is extended into a nonlinear viscoelasticconstitutive model in which was introduced the hyperelasticity to describethe large deformation of myocytes in response to micropipette aspiration.Based on the constitutive model and experiment data, the experiment processis simulated, and the computational results are compared with the experimentresults and classic theoretical solutions. The results show that the newconstitutive model suits the computation of large deformation of cells.


