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Liquid sloshing damping computation in cylindrical container based on vof method

  • 摘要: 对于部分充液箱体中液体小幅晃动问题,自由液面处的黏性耗散是总阻尼的重要组成部分.影响液体晃动阻尼的因素很多,导致阻尼计算的精度有限,为了提高阻尼的计算精度,提出了一种基于流体体积组分方法的阻尼计算方法. 采用该方法求解阻尼时,可以满足所有壁面的黏性无滑移条件,计算出具体的阻力值而不是一个范围.运用该方法的阻尼计算结果与已发表的试验结果更加吻合,特别是在液高比h/R<1时.


    Abstract: For small-amplitude liquid sloshing, the viscous dampingnear the free surface is an important part of the whole damping in partlyfilled liquid container. The damping is affected by many factors and isdifficult to calculate with a reasonable accuracy. In order to compute thedamping in partly filled rigid circular cylinder more reliably, a volume offluid method based on finite volume method is used. It is difficult tocompute damping precisely through numerical computation based on Stokesequations, in which the adhesion wall boundary condition can not besimultaneously satisfied at both the bottom wall and side wall. The dampingcomputation discrepancy of this method based on Stokes equations depends onthe liquid height ratio, h/R, where h is the liquid height and R is the radiusof the cylindrical container. The present method maintains all the wallboundary conditions, both side wall and bottom wall, with no slip conditionsand can give an exact damping value instead of an estimation range. Thesimulation damping results show a better agreement with the publishedexperimental data, especially for liquid height ratio h/R < 1.


