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Vertical vibration of pile in radially inhomogeneous soil layers

  • 摘要: 研究三维轴对称条件下径向非均质土中桩的纵向振动. 首先将桩周土体沿径向分为任意圈层来考虑土体的径向非均质性,每个圈层土体均质; 然后结合边界条件和相邻圈层土体之间接触面上位移和应力连续条件,对任意圈层土体动力平衡方程由外而内逐层求解,进而利用桩-土完全耦合条件求解桩动力平衡方程,得到桩顶的频域响应解析解和时域响应半解析解; 最后通过对土体主要控制参数的研究,得出了土体径向非均匀性对桩-土动力响应的影响.


    Abstract: Based on three-dimensional axisymmetric soil model, thevertical dynamic response of pile in radially inhomogeneous soil layers wasinvestigated with the effect of soil inhomogeneity. First, the soilsurrounding the pile was subdivided into arbitrary numerous annular zones,Second, the boundary conditions and continuum assumptions of displacementand stress between adjacent soil zones were developed. Third, the dynamicequilibrium equations of each soil zone are solved from outer to innersurrounding the pile. Third, the dynamic equilibrium equation of pile isalso solved and the analytical solutions in frequency domain andsemi-analytical solutions in time domain are obtained with the coupledcondition of pile-soil interface. The theoretical results reflect theinfluences of radial soil inhomogeneity on dynamic response of the pile andthe soil.


