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Modeling and simulation of multi-body systems with multi-friction and fixed bilateral constraint

  • 摘要: 提出了一种建立具有固定双面约束多点摩擦的多体系统动力学方程的方法. 用笛卡尔坐标阵描述系统的位形,根据局部方法的递推关系建立系统的约束方程,应用第一类Lagrange方程建立该系统的动力学方程,使得具有摩擦的约束面的法向力与Lagrange乘子一一对应,便于摩擦力的分析与计算,并用矩阵形式给出了摩擦力的广义力的一般表达式. 应用增广法将微分-代数方程组转化为常微分方程组,并用分块矩阵的形式给出,以便于方程的编程与计算.给出了一种改进的试算法,可提高计算效率. 最后给出了一个算例,应用试算法和RK法对算例进行了数值仿真.


    Abstract: Modeling and simulating the dynamics of the multibodysystems with bilateral constraints and dry friction are important inmechanical system and robotics. For smooth bilateral constraints, it is easyto solve the dynamical equations numerically. The dynamic equations of themultibody systems with the friction of constraint are the discontinuousdifferential-algebraic equations (DAE) and the equations cannot be expressedas being linear with respect to the generalized accelerations and theLagrange multipliers directly. In the present paper, modeling of planarmulti-rigid-body system with multi-friction and fixed-bilateral constraintsis proposed. It is assumed that the system has sliding joints with Coulomb'sdry friction and smooth hinge joints, while the sliding joints move alongthe fixed-slots. Firstly, the motion equations of the system are derivedfrom Lagrange's equations of the first kind in Cartesian coordinate system,and constraint equations are expressed by local approach. A one-to-one mapbetween the normal constraint forces and the Lagrange multipliers isestablished to analysis and compute the friction forces. Secondly, using theconstraint equations and the principle of virtual work, the generalizedforces of the friction forces are derived in the matrix form. The absolutevalue of Lagrange multiplier | \lambda | in the motion equationsis given as \lambda \rm sgn ( \lambda ) by sign function. Therefore,the sign function, \rm sgn(\lambda ), \rm sgn(\dot s) and\rm sgn(\ddot s),included in the motion equations, correspond to Lagrange multipliers, thevelocity and tangential acceleration of the slider, respectively. Thirdly,the DAE are transformed into ordinary differential equations (ODE) by meansof the augmentation approach. An improved trial-and-error method is proposedaccording to the characteristics of the piecewise smooth of thesystems, which can improve the efficiency of computation. Finally, anexample of one degree of freedom mechanism is given by improvedtrial-and-error method and R-K method.


