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Numerical simulation of complex flow with multi lateral jets interactions

  • 摘要: 采用具有高分辨率的NND格式,通过数值求解N-S方程对典型外形多喷口侧向喷流复杂干扰流动进行了数值模拟. 为了提高计算效率,采用了LU-SGS隐式算法. 采用分块对接网格技术,生成高质量的贴体计算网格,精确模拟喷口截面. 对比分析了不同计算格式、限制器形式、网格拓扑及流动形态(层流与湍流)对喷流干扰流场结构和压力分布特性的影响,研究和分析了喷口附近流场的涡系结构、波系结构和喷流干扰引起的气动力特性. 在上述研究的基础上,针对典型飞行器外形的侧向喷流干扰特性进行了详细的数值模拟,得到了喷口参数(喷口位置、数目等)及来流条件对喷流干扰流场结构、气动力特性的影响规律,并对其流动机理进行了相应的分析. 研究表明,发展的针对多喷口侧喷干扰的数值计算方法是成功的,可以应用于飞行器侧向喷流干扰的流场结构分析及气动力特性数值预测.


    Abstract: In this paper numerical simulations and theoreticalanalyses on complex flow with multi lateral jets interactions are presented.The NND scheme with high resolution is adopted to simulate the complexflow phenomena related to lateral jet interaction accurately and a LU-SGS implicit algorithm is usedto accelerate the converging process. A multi-block patched grid techniqueis introduced to obtain the suitable grids system, which can map the jetaccurately. The influences of the difference schemes, types of limiters,topologies of grids and flow models (laminar or turbulence) on interactionflow structures and pressure distribution are investigated, and the vortexstructures, wave structures and aerodynamic characteristic induced bylateral jet interaction are also studied. And then detailed flow simulationstudies for a typical vehicle with multi lateral jets interaction arecarried out. This highlights the complex nature of the three dimensionalinteraction phenomena and also provides insight into the physics of the flowmechanism. The influences of the jet parameters, such as the number andlocation of lateral jet, and the flow conditions, such as flight Machnumber, angle of attack, altitude on flow structures and aerodynamic forcesare analyzed. The good comparisons between the computational results and theexperimental data for the pressure distributions are obtained. It isdemonstrated that the numerical method developed in this paper can beavailable to simulate the complex flow field with multi lateral jetsinteractions and predict the aerodynamic forces in the flow.


