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张学伟 张亮 张嘉钟 魏英杰 王聪. 通气超空泡稳定性分析的一种数值算法[J]. 力学学报, 2008, 40(6): 820-825. DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-2008-6-2007-588
引用本文: 张学伟 张亮 张嘉钟 魏英杰 王聪. 通气超空泡稳定性分析的一种数值算法[J]. 力学学报, 2008, 40(6): 820-825. DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-2008-6-2007-588
Jiazhong Zhang, Yingjie Wei, Cong Wang. A numerical method for the stability analysis of ventilated supercavity[J]. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2008, 40(6): 820-825. DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-2008-6-2007-588
Citation: Jiazhong Zhang, Yingjie Wei, Cong Wang. A numerical method for the stability analysis of ventilated supercavity[J]. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2008, 40(6): 820-825. DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-2008-6-2007-588


A numerical method for the stability analysis of ventilated supercavity

  • 摘要: 根据Logvinovich独立膨胀原理发展了一种用于计算非定常通气超空泡形态的计算方法,并运用该方法对通气超空泡形态稳定性进行了数值仿真研究. 研究表明:Semenenko提出的稳定性判据可以有效判定通气超空泡形态稳定性,当超空泡处于判据的稳定区域时,超空泡表面形成的扰动波在扰动停止一段时间后消失,超空泡恢复到初始形态;当超空泡处于判据的不稳定区域时,超空泡发生自激振荡,超空泡表面形成的扰动波振幅逐渐增大,导致超空泡形态与内部压力发生周期性或准周期性振荡.


    Abstract: A numerical method was developed to calculate unsteadyventilated supercavity based on the Logvinovich principle of independence ofthe cavity sections expansion. The case of the stability of unsteadyventilated supercavity was carried out. The numerical results indicated thatthe stability criterion proposed by Semenenko was available for ventilatedsupercavity. Moreover, a surface disturbance wave of the supercavity mayfirst arise and then disappear for the stable supercavity, while it will bein the self-induced oscillation for the unstable supercavity. The amplitudeof disturbance wave increased gradually to induce the periodic orquasi-periodic pulsation of supercavity.


