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Hall effects in three-dimensional MHD generator

  • 摘要: 应用三维非理想低磁雷诺数磁流体五方程模型发展了对带有强制项的Navier-Stokes方程组采用熵条件格式, 对椭圆型电势方程采用SOR进行迭代的数值方法,研究了Hall效应对磁流体旁路超燃冲压发动机中磁流体发生器流动及性能的影响.磁流体发生器采用电子束获得有效可靠的电导率. 计算结果表明,Hall效应可引起流场和电场的扭曲, 从而诱导出不稳定二次流的发展与演变,并破坏Joule热的分布. 对这些磁流体现象作出了较详细的分析.最后计算了磁流体发生器的性能参数, 说明Hall效应将导致磁流体发生器的性能下降.


    Abstract: A numerical procedure for analyzing the MHD flows in theMHD generator of the bypass scramjet engine was developed in the presentstudy by applying a five-equation model associated with non-ideal MHD flowsat low magnetic Reynolds number. In the numerical procedure, an entropycondition scheme was applied for solving the non-homogeneous Navier-Stokesequations and an SOR method for solving the elliptic equation governed theelectrical potential. The Hall effects on the MHD flow in the MHD generatorwere studied numerically. E-beams were shown as the ionizer to provide theeffective and stable conductivity in the MHD flows. The numerical resultsindicated that the Hall effects might make the distortions on the flow andelectric fields in the MHD generator to induce unstable secondary flow, andnon-uniform Joule heating. In addition, The performance parameters of theMHD generator were obtained numerically to reveal that the Hall effects maydeteriorate the performance of MHD generator.


