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Study on flow past a nano circular cylinders with different Reynolds numbers

  • 摘要: 采用非平衡分子动力学模拟方法,对微尺度低Re数下的圆柱绕流问题进行了研究,模拟结果表明:当Re<12时,圆柱下游形成对称、无分离的定常流;当Re>20时,圆柱下游形成周期性交替出现的对称涡;当12 

    Abstract: The steady cross-flow past a circular cylinder in the lowReynolds numbers was investigated using non-equilibrium molecular dynamicssimulations with the Lennard--Jones potential. The results showed threebasic flow patterns in microscale, different from those in macroscale. Theflow behind the circular cylinder is symmetric, nonseparated and steady whenRe<12. Periodic shedding and the oscillation of vortices are observed whenRe>20. When the stream velocity is higher than the local sound speed, acavity in the downstream adjacent to the cylinder forms. Asymmetric vorticesappears as a transitional range when 12 

