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Analysis of fracture behavior of honeycomb sandwich specimens

  • 摘要: 通过平面拉伸试验和双悬臂梁试验研究了蜂窝夹芯试件的破坏行为. 在平面拉伸试验中,发现的破坏模式不是预期的面芯界面脱胶破坏而是面板层间分层破坏;在双悬臂梁试验中,发现了一种与以往文献报导中不同的破坏模式(面板层间分层,预制裂纹偏转和面板分层扩展依次出现). 针对试验中所发现的新的破坏模式,结合粘结模型,建立了基于蔡-希尔破坏准则和能量准则的计算模型. 模拟结果与试验结果对比发现,所建立的计算模型能够很好地模拟所发现的破坏行为.


    Abstract: The flatwise tension test (FWT) and the double cantilever beam (DCB)experiment were used to investigate the fracture behavior of honeycomb sandwichspecimens. In the FWT test, not the interfacial debonding, but the interlaminardelamination was observed. So the test results show that the interfacial peelstrength is higher than the interlaminar peel strength. From the resultsof DCB experiment,a different fracture mode, namely IKP (initiation of interlaminar delamination,kinking into facesheet and propagation of interlaminar delamination), was found. Inorder to simulate the IKP of DCB honeycomb sandwich, a computational modelbased on the Tsai-Hill failure criterion and the cohesive zone model was proposed. Bycomparing with experimental results, it is shown that the computational model caneffectively simulate the IKP of a honeycomb sandwich structures with a reasonableaccuracy.


