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Viscoelastic properties of chondrocytes isolated from normal and osteoarthritic rabbit knee cartilage

  • 摘要: 采用前交叉韧带切断术造骨关节炎(OA)动物模型,并采用微管吸吮技术和标准线性黏弹性固体模型研究正常及OA软骨细胞的黏弹性特性. 实验研究表明:OA软骨明显退变,大体评分及Mankin's评分均明显高于正常软骨. 正常软骨细胞直径与OA软骨细胞直径的差异无显著意义,而正常软骨细胞与OA软骨细胞的黏弹性特性存在明显差异,正常软骨细胞的平衡模量E , 瞬间模量E0及表观黏性 明显高于OA软骨细胞. 除正常软骨细胞平衡模量E 仅与细胞直径有微弱相关性且具有统计学意义外,其余黏弹性参数均与细胞直径以及其直径和微管直径比率无相关性.


    Abstract: This study uses the micropipette aspiration techniquecoupled with a viscoelastic solid model to investigate the viscoelasticproperties of chondrocytes isolated from normal and osteoarthritic rabbitarticular cartilage. Rabbit osteoarthritic model obtained by anteriorcruciate ligament (ACL) transection is used to simulate the pathologicalevents associated with OA. The average grades for normal and osteoarthriticcartilages are found to be higher in the ACL transection joints than in normal joints(p<0.005). The experimental results show that the mean diameters ofchondrocytes from normal and OA cartilage are 14.85\pm 2.218\mum and14.38\pm1.909\mum, respectively, and are not significantly different(p>0.05), however, OA chondrocytes see a significantly lowerequilibrium modulus, instantaneous modulus and apparent viscosity(E_\infty =0.257\pm 0.091\,kPa, E_0=0.455\pm 0.182\,kPa,\mu =0.386\pm 0.136\,kPa\cdot s, n=67) compared with normal chondrocytes(E_\infty =0.366 \pm 0.07\,kPa, E_0=0.653\pm 0.095\,1\,kPa,\mu =6.360\pm 1.121\,kPa\cdot s, n=52) (p<0.000\,1). Theanalyses of correlation indicate no dependence of the viscoelasticparameters on the cell diameter or on the ratio of cell diameter tomicropipette diameter for cells from normal or OA chondrocytes(p>0.05) except for the equilibrium modulus (E_\infty ) of normal chondrocytes(p<0.05).


