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Gigahertz oscillation of coaxial cylindrical tubes driven by Casimir and electrostatic forces

  • 摘要: 提出了一种双层同轴圆柱管振动的力学模型,并用连续介质力学的方法分析了该模型分别在Casimir力和静电力驱动下的振动特性. 计算结果表明,在理想情况下,如果模型管间距达到1纳米量级,Casimir力和静电力有可能驱动该模型达到GHz甚至更高量级频率的振动,这说明Casimir力和静电力驱动GHz的振动具有理论上的可行性.


    Abstract: With the development of nano electromechanical systems,ultrahigh frequency mechanical oscillators are in great demand. Tomeet this demand, a mechanical oscillator model of double-walled coaxialcylindrical tubes is proposed. The oscillation frequencies of the modeldriven by Casimir and electrostatic forces are evaluated, respectively, bycontinuum mechanics. It is found that when the tube gap of the model reaches1 nanometer scale, the frequencies of the model can reach or even exceed theorder of GHz under ideal situations, whether driven by Casimir force or byelectrostatic force. The present work proves that it is feasible in theoryto achieve GHz oscillators driven by Casimir force or electrostatic force.


